Welcome! We are happy to introduce Asia.Vape.co and make America’s and Europe’s finest vaporizers available to customers in Asia. Now you can also enjoy the benefits and pleasant experience of vaporizing without complicated shipping procedures, obscure product offerings or lack of availability and choice.
All vaporizers sold on AsiaVape.co come with free international express shipping. We offer the best and most exclusive vaporizers available on the market today including the Storz & Bickel Volcano, DaVinci Ascent and Pax. We continuously add new products to our catalog and can even bring in new exclusive products if you want us to – just contact us with your requests and we will do our best to bring you the best vaporizers money can buy.
We pride ourselves on being Asia’s first true online vaporizer store and pledge to always do our very best to deliver a supreme shopping and product experience to you. From us to you, we wish you a very happy new 2014. Please enjoy our store and products responsibly!
– AsiaVape.co